The Berghof handbook

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The Berghof handbook
Farmington Hills, Mich.
559 S.
Angaben aus der Verlagsmeldung Transforming Ethnopolitical Conflict : The Berghof Handbook – Volume II The state of the art in conflict transformation in print— surely you are familiar with the Berghof Handbook on the internet and www.berghofcenter. org. This second volume of the Berghof Handbook presents a wide range of articles reflecting the changing state-of the art in conflict transformation. The authors are practitioners and scholars who write for their colleagues ‘in the field’ and in academia, and address those interested and active in civilian conflict management, development cooperation and reconstruction and reconciliation after violent conflict. Committed to international, interdisciplinary dialogue about theory and practice of conflict transformation, this volume presents new insights into the nonviolent management of inter-group conflict and the prerequisites for consolidating positive peace. The Berghof Handbook is designed for practitioners and scholars who seek ideas and information for their own work and who wish to draw on the wealth of experience by colleagues in a wide range of regions and contexts. The Handbook is further intended for experts in politics, journalists, teachers and students. From the Contents: Concepts and Cross-Cutting Challenges Contributions by Martina Fischer, Louis Kriesberg, Christopher Mitchell, Norbert Ropers Analysing Conflict and Assessing Conflict Transformation Contributions by Cheyanne Church, Cilja Harders, Andrew Mack, Reina C. Neufeldt Enhancing the Capacity for Conflict Transformation Contributions by Volker Boege, Veronique Dudouet, Ron Fisher, Hans J. Giessmann, Beatrix Schmelzle, Nenad Vukosavljevic, Oliver Wils Structural Reforms, Institution-Building and Violence Control Contributions by Susan Woodward, Herbert Wulf, Luc Zandvliet Recovering from War: Regeneration and Reconciliation Contributions by Martina Fischer, Michelle Parlevliet, Oussama Safa, Emir Suljagic
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Unselbstständige Werke

The state of the art in conflict transformation

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Sprache deutsch
Person Kriesberg, Louis (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Conflict, change and conflict resolution

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Person Mitchell, Christopher R. (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

A systemic apporoach: Reflections on Sri Lanka

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Person Ropers, Norbert (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Gender relations, violence and conflict transformation

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Person Harders, Cilja (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Methods of Third-party intervention

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Person Fisher, Ronald J. (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Seeking Compromise? Mediation through the eyes

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Person Gießmann, Hans J. (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Training for conflict transformation - An overview of approaches

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Person Austin, Beatrix (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Nonviolent resistance in power asymmetries

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Sprache deutsch
Person Dudouet, Veronique (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Preparing for nonviolence - Experiences in th Western Balkan

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Sprache deutsch
Person Vukosavljevic, Nenad (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Civil society and conflict transformation: Strenghts and limitations

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Sprache deutsch
Person Fischer, Martina (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Varieties of state-building in the Blakans: A case for shifting focus

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Person Woodward, Susan L. (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Security sector reform in developing and transitional countries revisited

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Person Wulf, Herbert (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Conflict transfomation and the corporate agenda - opportunities for synergy

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Person Zandvliet, Luc (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Human rights and conflict transformation: Towards a more integrated approach

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Sprache deutsch
Person Parlevliet, Michelle (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Transitional justice and reconciliation: Theory and practice

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Person Fischer, Martina (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Potential and limits of traditional approaches in peacebuilding

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Person Boege, Volker (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

Evaluating peacebuilding: Not yet all it could be

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Person Scharbatke-Church, Cheyanne (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

"Frameworlers" and "Circlers" - Exploring assumptions in impact assessment

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Person Neufeldt, Reina C. (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011

New thoughts on power: Closing the gabs between theory and action

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Sprache deutsch
Person Francis, Diana (Verfasser/-in) YouTube
Jahr 2011